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The DBOxxx series differential barometer/altimeter (patent pending) module is a higher accuracy version of the EMOxxx.  The DB(BR)xxx and DB(BR)Gxxx models are ruggedized units integrating this module.


This OEM module provides atmospheric pressures and derived elevations at a rover using corrections transmitted from a stationary base.   In traditional systems elevations are calculated based on pressure readings for a stand-alone unit and are subject to the errors inherent with environmental changes in pressure.  Some applications of this versatile engine include indoor elevations, building pressurization monitoring, multi-node telemetry networks and UAV altitude references.

DBOxxx OEM Differential Barometer/Altimeter

  • Includes antenna.  License free 433, 868 and 915MHz versions available (check regulations in your area).  A minimum of two units are required for a differential solution, the price listed is for a single unit.

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